Governor Dixy Lee Ray: The Ultimate Political Outsider

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26 at NOON in the Coach House, State Capital Museum, Olympia
$2.00 Donation Requested; Free to Members
Gail Johnson, author of a new book, Trailblazing Governors: Six Remarkable Women, will highlight the life and career of Washington’s first female governor, Dixy Lee Ray – “The Extraordinary Lady from Fox Island.” Johnson is a former faculty member of The Evergreen State College.

Tue, 03/19/2013 – 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Engage in stimulating conversation about books, exchange perspectives about characters and plot, and get to know your neighbors.
Pageturners is sponsored by Friends of the Library.
Read Trailblazing Governors: Six Remarkable Women by Gail Johnson. Johnson is a local author and a member of the Sellwood-Moreland Library Pageturners book group! These six trailblazing governors demonstrated that women could succeed in politics, effectively lead state government, and have fun in the process. The highlighted trailblazers are Ella Grasso, Dixy Lee Ray, Martha Layne Collins, Madeline Kunin, Christine Todd Whitman and Oregon’s own Barbara Roberts.